Morris Pendleton"Morris Pendleton (Color)," c. 1971 (Pepperdine University Archives Photograph Collection)

Morris Pendleton


Morris Pendleton was one of the donors whose generosity made possible Pepperdine's Malibu campus. His long affiliation with the university included service on the university board and later on the board of regents. From 1966-1967, he served with Walter Knott on the site selection committee that evaluated properties for Pepperdine's suburban expansion.1

Pendleton funded the gymnasium on the LA campus as well as the Pendleton Learning Center on the Malibu campus.2 He made his money with the Plomb Tool Company (later the Pendleton Tool Company),2 which sold wrenches and other such tools.

Pendleton had been a personal friend of George Pepperdine.3


  1. Baird, 2016, p. 268 (Pepperdine University Press)
  2. Baird, 2016, p. 288 (Pepperdine University Press)
  3. Baird, 2016, p. 326 (Pepperdine University Press)